Monday, March 26, 2007

Say "Cheeese"

Melida, Paige and Elijah come for dinner

"Time for dinner where's Liam?"

Paige gave a very nice prayer

Elijah couldn't wait for prayer

"I like spagetti"

Uncle Scott back from skiing


Unknown said...

Ohhhh I love my little kiddies. We need to have a big get together sometime soon because I am really missing you guys. When is your Easter egg hunt Dad? The Saturday before Easter perhaps?

Ann said...

Eric, and anyone else, get on g-mail tomorrow a.m. at 7 your time and we can IM.


Anonymous said...

very nice picture of Paige and Scott.
I have a very beautiful little girl.
Now we all know where she gets it from.

Shannon said...

Those pictures make me miss everyone! Ross is getting more into saying "we're moving to Oregon.... probably" and not just "we MIGHT move to Oregon," so I think he's convincing himself more and more that it's going to happen. As we all know I am still rooting for it, of course!

Unknown said...

yes Melida we know your kids got all their looks from their grandpa

Unknown said...

Shannon if you guys do decide to come to Oregon that would be great. You don't want me to get started about our beautiful state however. I have a blog coming up in several weeks on the new roof for the red house that I think everyone will like.