Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Horse Hay or "I need a metal detector"

There is something about hay that I love. In the middle of winter you crack open the bail and you get a whif of spring when it was cut. I love to hear the horses neigh when I walk in the barn. They stomp their feet as if to say "hurry up and feed me Seymor." I bought 12 more sacks of oats yesterday. Now horses will do almost anything for an oat. I have the upper fields blocked off to let the grass grow tall so oats and hay it is for the next 4-6 weeks.

Back to the hay. We bought some hay this winter that was like no other hay I have purchased. Each morning when I went to feed the horse I would examine the horse trough for what was left over from the hay the day before. This hay must have grown up over an old barn because there was all kinds of old rusty metal. Here is a list of things I collected from the bottom of the manger. An assortment of tin can lids, various hinges of different sizes. Assundry collection of bolts including carriage bolts. One very old rusty can opener. Angle iron of different shapes and sizes all in a high degree of rusting. Enough nails to build a tree house for the grandkids (on my list) and other mysterious pieces of metal that must have come from outer space. (space shuttle debris?) The horse have pretty sensitive lips so this stuff just is avoided. It did make for a little more excitement in the morning. It was kind of like christmas morning. I found my self excitedly anticipating what treasure I would find that morning. I was hoping for gold bar but no such luck


Unknown said...

Wow Dad. Gotta be careful. I don't want you dying of tetanus or anything. Even though that would be a notable way to go . . .

Shannon said...


One of these days you will find something worth seeing. Maybe a goose egg or a Baby goose. Let's hope you wont find baby mice or something nasty like that.

Unknown said...


Umm, I might know a little something about a couple of those things and I can assure you that as soon as I have a free weekend, I'll come collect the various engineering accoutrementation all over. Be it known that a couple fledgling engineers raided that barn for nails, gun powder, dam(n) building supplies and zip line cable in the early days of scott and billy fellowship. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Great work.