Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sack Lunches

One of the most pleasant things about life is sack lunches. First it is nice to know there is food sitting somewhere close by. One less thing to worry about. But what makes sack lunches especially neat is when someone else makes them for you. When I was 10 years old I would take a sack lunch on the bus to the berry or bean field. Mom would make the lunch. It was always exciting to see what was inside the sack. when you make it yourself its not quite the same. I would purposefully not look into the sack until I was near the berry field. Then I would rifle through it. Mom would put a can of pop in the freezer for an hour and then she would wrap it with newspaper and put it at the bottom of the sack. If things were perfect it would be a cold slush when I used the can opener at noon. A can opener was always inside the sack. Dad was not above making lunches either. He would make the cheese or peanut butter extra thick. Peanut butter was the standard fare. It is always fun to have extra little things in the lunch. Half a banana, sliced apple, cookies, you know. I make lunches now for Derek who will be 17 this week. He likes things a particular way. When I make the lunch I think about what he will think when he opens it. Never miss an opportunity to make a sack lunch for someone else. The quality of sack lunches is not strained it blesses him that makes it and him that eats it.


Unknown said...

Oh Dad this is my favorite post so far. So sweet. I try my best to make Billy a sack lunch every night. Sometimes I even put obnoxious hearts all over the paper to embarrass him at work. When I forget to make him a lunch it is almost a present to him because I think he likes going out to eat better. I forgot last night, so he'll probably stop by the local grocery for some deli food today. But I am making homemade pizza for dinner tonight so he should have fun with that.

Shannon said...


That is nice of you to make Lunches for Derek. I remember in High school Annelisa and i used to make each others lunches. It was a nice and fun thing to do when we were in school together.

I still make my lunches every morning. It takes me a while because i make about 3 meals instead of one. I'm still a growing boy... That's what My Wife tells me When I eat Three more meals after work...

I figure i wont get too Fat because i run or bike 4 times a week.

melida said...

Its nice to here form you. Its like I'm getting to know more about you. I would like to read more.